Working together
Talking therapy
What I offer. I seek to offer a relational environment in which you can connect with and harness your own inner resources for healing and growth and find your own way through whatever it is you are experiencing. This valuing and empowering approach is person-centred, although I also include an element of the transpersonal in my work, listening for images, sensations and impressions which may have meaning for you in relation to what you are experiencing.
What you can expect to experience. As well as addressing your specific goals, counselling can lead to shifts in perspective and bring about much broader and deeper transformation of your relationship with yourself, others and the world around you. Such changes may include:
An improved sense of wellbeing: psychological, physical, emotional, spiritual.
Greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.
A greater sense of freedom and confidence in making choices which are authentic to who you are.
Greater acceptance of, respect for and intimacy with others.
Somatic Experiencing Therapy
Somatic Experiencing is a gentle, empowering approach to resolving stress and trauma in the body. Whether it is an ongoing experience of abuse or neglect in our early lives, or a one-off event such as an operation or an accident, trauma can leave us in shock and fear, feeling stuck, disempowered, disorientated and often weighed down with shame. Somatic Experiencing uses and strengthens the body’s natural capacity for regulation and healing to shift these internal states and restore a felt sense of safety, empowerment, presence and connectedness to self and to others. Where we may have felt defined by things that have happened to us and stuck in patterns of reactivity that feel impossible to change, Somatic Experiencing can support shifts in our nervous system which allow us to move through past traumas. It strengthens our capacity to experience powerful sensations and emotions without feeling overwhelmed by them, so that we can be with our experience, observe it with curiosity and compassion, and allow it to speak and move us towards healing and life.
Drawing on my person-centred philosophy, I will work collaboratively with you, either integrating Somatic Experiencing into our talking therapy or offering it as a stand-alone approach. According to your needs and preferences, we can move between talking about what it is that has brought you to therapy and being with what you are experiencing in your body, moment by moment. Together we will notice physical sensations, feelings, images, movements and meanings that this experience holds for you, and give your body and mind time to process and integrate what emerges.
NeuroAffective Touch
NeuroAffective Touch uses therapeutic touch to support body-mind dialogue and the healing of developmental trauma. I offer a space characterised by psychological and emotional attunement, and within that use various forms of touch (self-touch, the use of heated cushions, touch which I offer) to address developmental, emotional and relational deficits which it is hard for talking alone to reach.
As a supervisor I draw on my person-centred philosophy to create a safe, supportive learning environment in which supervisees can reflect freely and openly on their client work, whilst also attending to their own growth and development. I offer a space where unconscious processes in the therapeutic relationship and the transpersonal dimension of the work can be explored, as well as issues of diversity, professional boundaries and ethics.
I offer one to one supervision in my private practice, in person or online. I also supervise groups, working with both trainee and qualified counsellors from different modalities. I have particular experience of supervising trainee and newly qualified therapists, supporting them in using counselling theory to understand and deepen the therapeutic process and in exploring and developing their own unique therapeutic practice.
Changes some of my clients have experienced:
“I’ve realized that I don’t have to be
ashamed of who I am.”
“I can see the light at
the end of the tunnel.”
“For the first time in my life
I’m enjoying being me.”
“My life is better than it was before…
actually I feel like I have a new life.”